G.K. Consulting

Aurukun, QLD, Cairns, QLD, Cassowary Coast, QLD, Cook, QLD, Croydon, QLD, Douglas, QLD, Etheridge, QLD, Hope Vale, QLD, Kowanyama, QLD, Lockhart River, QLD, Mapoon, QLD, Mareeba, QLD, Napranum, QLD, Northern Peninsula Area Region, QLD, Pormpuraww, QLD, Tablelands, QLD, Torres, QLD, Torres Strait Island, QLD, Weipa, QLD, Wujal Wujal, QLD, Yarrabah, QLD
Brief Description
Highly experienced business consultant with extensive background in regional development, indigenous economic development and international work
Long Business Description

 Extensive engagement in Indigenous Community and Economic Development for over 17 years
 Highly experienced in government and private sector abilities and can deliver practical outcomes for both sectors through a demonstrated record of innovation
 Very experienced in business operations and management which has given ability to coach businesses with straight-forward practical advice
 Organisational and business capacity-building especially for the regional SME sector e.g. tourism, services, food and agri
 Much direct and indirect Local Government interaction through direct employment, voluntary services and consultancies
 Deep understanding of Indigenous Cultural issues and sensitivities developed through much personal interaction over many years in Qld, NT and WA with Indigenous communities
 Highly experienced in successful delivery of Commonwealth, State and Local Government programmes and initiatives with a demonstrated high level of concrete results
 Proven ability to identify grants and funding suitable for Indigenous Shire Councils
 Export capability development
