Peak Services was created by the LGAQ to provide professional services and products that local governments need, delivered by an expert team that knows and understands the sector well.
What makes Peak unique is that it tailors its offerings across area such as recruitment, grants writing and legal services to best reflect each of its customers local needs.
As a profit for purpose enterprise, any profits are returned to the LGAQ for it to use in its advocacy, engagement and member services to benefit all Queensland councils, and which also helps keep membership fees low.
Every council has different needs when it comes to the use of professional services, and Peak's Consulting team was created to support councils by using trusted advisors experienced in local government. Councils can use the team for support in areas such as energy, procurement, grants management and other bespoke requirements that councils do not always have the resources or expertise to deliver.
What this means for councils is no matter their size or location, councils can rely on Peak to understand their local challenges and leverage Peak’s broad knowledge and experience to help achieve outcomes for their community.