Mario Soki

Mario Soki

Regional Arts Officer - Torres Strait and Northern Peninsula Area

Mario comes from the Thabu (Snake) Clan and Samu (Cassowary) Clan of Saibai Island and Dhoeybaw (Wild Yam) Clan of Dauan Island in the Top Western Custer Islands of the Torres Strait in Northern Queensland.

Mario has a background of working in areas such as local government, aged care, community radio, hospitality, national HIV/AIDS LGBTQI just a few to name.

He has recently relocated from Cairns to Thursday Island to take on the role of Business Manager at the Torres Strait Islanders Media Association Inc., and the RASN Regional Arts Officer for the Northern Peninsula Area and Torres Strait.

He is excited to have joined the RASN Team and looking forward to working in the Art and Culture arena, to represent the Northern Peninsula Area and Torres Strait.