Economic Recovery and Reconstruction Strategy

Regional Development Australia Tropical North (RDATN) has developed a far-reaching regional recovery strategy for the post pandemic period. Priority projects across water, ports and roads have been identified as having the greatest influence on the economic sectors of tourism, agriculture, education and small business. Whilst each component of infrastructure development is integrated to provide direct or secondary benefits to each of the four sectors, investment in water and agriculture will consolidate the existing economic base providing necessary diversification in a largely tourism dependent economy.

The success of the strategy will depend upon adequate resourcing and acceptance at the three levels of government and collaboration across the wider region.
The strategy will promote projects and initiatives that support regional growth through both the traditional economic base of the region, as well as identifying new innovative projects and financing for infrastructure opportunities in the short, medium and long term; that diversify and strengthen the regional economy against future shock.

All business and industry are underpinned by a strong regional economy and enabling infrastructure.

Water infrastructure is fundamentally the leading force behind building the regional economy in supporting existing core industries like tourism and agriculture.  The Lakeland Irrigation Area Scheme (LIAS) will drive economic recovery in the short term and provide regional economic stability in the longer term.

To enable projects like the LIAS, there is an opportunity, and in fact an imperative, to cut through much of the red and green tape that is not relevant to regional projects or, in the circumstances, is not reasonable.

Increased high value agricultural product to domestic and international markets will be a catalyst for improved roads, airports, and ports; and underwrite the business case for investment into allied small business which make up 94.5% of the economy.