Growing Regions Fund

STATUS:  Round Two Guidelines Now Available (16 Aug 2024) 

About the program 

The new Growing Regions Program (2 x $300 million funding rounds) will provide grants to local government entities and not-for-profit organisations, for capital works projects and community-focused infrastructure projects that deliver community and economic benefits which revitalises regions and enhances amenity and liveability throughout regional Australia.   The program will run over 4 years from 2023-2024 and 2026-2027.

Round 2 will provide $393 million in total funding from a single stage, open and competitive application process. 

The panel will consider your application against how strongly it aligns with your local regional or strategic priorities of your area or local government area.  

Guidelines Available Friday 16 August 2024
Applications Open Thursday, 5 September 2024
Applications Closed Thursday, 10 October 2024
Assessment Timeline Not Yet Disclosed



Example of Eligible Grant Activity

To be eligible your project must:

  • be aimed at constructing new community infrastructure or expanding or upgrading existing infrastructure for wider community benefit
  • not have commenced construction
  • not have received Commonwealth funding to undertake the same grant activities

 Eligible activities must directly relate to the project and must include at least one of the following:

  • constructing new community infrastructure
  • expanding or upgrading existing infrastructure for wider community benefit

 Examples of these activities include but not limited to:

  • community hubs and centres (youth centres, men’s sheds)
  • art galleries/libraries/museums/cultural facilities
  • aquatic/sports centres
  • social and community infrastructure which encourages economic and social liveability

 All activities must be strategically aligned to regional priorities and benefit the wider community. This will need to be addressed through the assessment criteria.

Other activities may also be approved.

*there are eligible expenditure requirements.  Follow the links below for full grant criteria.

RDA Tropical North Support

For this and future rounds, to the best of our ability RDA Tropical North will provide support to potential applicants:

  • to identify and develop a strong project proposal that will contribute to long term economic growth in our region, and
  • provide feedback and guidance to help you prepare a competitive application,
  • provide access to supporting documents, statistical evidence and economic impact data and,
  • can provide a Letter of Support.

Please contact us at  or (07) 4041 1729 to arrange a time to discuss your proposal or request a Letter of Support or an Economic Impact Report.

Note: there are rigorous eligibility and co-contribution requirements for projects. We encourage you to access the mapping tool in the grant portal where you can note the location of your project and it will advise you of your specific co-contribution requirements.

Regional and Strategic Plans

Some helpful links (but not an exhaustive list)

Australian Government – White Paper Developing Northern Australia
Queensland Government – Statutory Regional Plan(s) FNQ Regional Plan (2009-2031 and currently under review)
Cape York Regional Plan (2014 and currently under review)
Gulf Development Plan (Non-statutory)
Queensland Government State Infrastructure Strategy 2022-2042
Queensland Government FNQ Regional Economic Recovery Plan (Covid)
RDA Tropical North Tropical North Economic Development Strategy TEDS  (2024-2029)
Far North Queensland Regional Organisation of Councils (FNQROC)

Federal Priorities 2023 (Aug 2022)

State Priorities (Mar 2023)

Strategic Economic Priorities 

Strategic Plan and Regional Priorities (Various)

Torres Cape Indigenous Council Alliance (TCICA)

Federal Priorities (Nov 2022)

State Priorities (2020)

Cape, Torres and Gulf Opportunities Plan (2019)

TCICA Regional Profiles (May 2023)

Publications (Various)

Advance Cairns Advocacy
Economic Profile (Cairns)
TNQ Regional Economic Plan 2011-2031
Cairns Chamber of Commerce Resources
Queensland Council of Social Services (QCOSS)


Changing Lives Changing Communities 2018

Tourism Tropical North QLD (TTNQ) First Nations Tourism Action Plan
Local Government Authority (LGA’s)
Cairns Regional Council

Shared Vision 2050

Corporate Plan 2021-2026

Smart Green Economy

Related Plans and Strategies

Cassowary Coast Regional Council

Annual Report 2021/22

Corporate Plan 2021-2025

Master Plans and Strategies

Cook Shire Council

Annual Report 2021/22

Corporate Plan 2022-2027

Strategic and Informational Documents

Croydon Shire Council

Annual Report 2021/22

Corporate Plan 2022-2027

Council Information – Plans, Strategies and Policies 

Douglas Shire Council

Annual Report 2021/22

Corporate Plan 2019-2024

Corporate Documents, Strategies and Plans

Etheridge Shire Council

Annual Report 2021/22

Corporate Plan 2021-2025


Hope Vale Aboriginal Shire Council

Annual Report 2021/22

Corporate Plan 2018-2023

Corporate Documents incl.Economic Development

Kowanyama Aborginal Shire Council

Annual Report 2021/22

Corporate Plan 2018-2022


Lockhart River Aboriginal Shire Council

Annual Report 2021/22

Corporate Plan 2018-2023


Mapoon Aboriginal Shire Council

Annual Report 2021/22

Corporate Plan 2020-2024


Mareeba Shire Council

Annual Report 2021/22

Corporate Plan 2021-2025

Corporate Documents and Plans

Napranum Aboriginal Shire Council

Annual Report 2021/22

Corporate Plan 2022-2027

Publications and Plans

Northern Peninsula Area

Annual Report 2021/22

Corporate Plan 2022-2026

Publications and Plans

Pormpuraaw Aboriginal Shire Council

Annual Report 2021/22

Corporate Plan 2019-2023

Publications and Plans

Tablelands Shire Council

Annual Report 2021/22

Corporate Plan 2021-2026

Various Strategies

Torres Shire Council

Annual Report 2021/22

Corporate Plan 2018-2023

Corporate-Operational-Regional Plans

Torres Strait Island

Annual Report 2021/22

Corporate Plan 2022-2023

Torres Strait Development Plan 2014-2018

Weipa Town Authority

Annual Report 2021/22

Corporate Plan 2020-2025

Operational Plans, Budgets and Plans

Management Protocol for Weipa

Wujal Wujal Aboriginal Shire Council Corporate Documents including Annual Report 2021/22, Corporate Plan 2022-2027 (draft)  
Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council

Annual Report 2021/22

Corporate Plan 2022-2027

Planning Documents


Successful FNQ Projects - Round One (As of 16 May 2024)
Organisation Project Growing Regions Investment

Mission Beach Town Centre Revitalisation Project (Stage 2)

The project will restore town centre facilities and services to support tourism and improve safety.




Multifunctional OSCH, education and community space for Mossman, Queensland

The project will construct a multi-purpose, community accessible complex including an activity centre and mobility friendly church.




Mareeba – Lake and Parkland Upgrade

The project will upgrade lake and parkland areas to improve accessibility and promote physical activity.



Unearth Etheridge: Tourism Developments along the Savannah Way

The project will include an extension to the Terrestrial Centre in Georgetown, a bird sanctuary viewing hub at Cumberland Dam, improved walkways and visitor signage at the Einasleigh People’s Museum at Copperfield Gorge, and the creation of ‘Our Elders Trail’ in Georgetown.


Northern Peninsula Area Regional Council

Northern Peninsula Area Airport Runway Upgrade

The project will upgrade the airport runway to ensure future operations and to deliver community-focused infrastructure for the benefit of locals and industry.

 TOTAL TO FNQ REGION $ 31,247,738